Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Its Official

Updates on a couple stories I have been following this week.

Tony Snow
Acknowledging the challenges ahead, former Fox News analyst Tony Snow began his second stint at the White House on Wednesday, this time as press secretary.

President Bush appeared with Snow in the White House briefing room to announce his choice 15 years after the commentator was a speechwriter for President George H.W. Bush.
Two more weeks of Scotty, then the blizzard hits.

Sue Jeffers
Sue Jeffers will make an official announcement, Thursday, April 27 at 12:00 o'clock noon that she will seek the Republican Party endorsement for governor. The announcement will be held in the Rotunda of the State Capitol Building. Voters of all parties are invited to join Sue in this effort to make People Before Politics a reality.

Although Jeffers has not officially accepted the Libertarian Party endorsement, she is seeking support from various parties, in order to win this election. Since no one is challenging Tim Pawlenty from within the GOP, Jeffers had no other choice but to enter the race.
I would like to see the MN GOP reach a compromise with the Jeffers camp that will allow her an opportunity to present her ideals to the State Convention.


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